Cara Memindahkan Ribuan Data dari Excel ke Notepad

Cara Memindahkan Ribuan Data dari Excel ke Notepad hanya dalam hitungan detik

Misalnya kita akan memindahkan data NIK penduduk yang ada di file excel ke notepad atau ms word. Kalau datanya sedikit Caranya mudah sekali tinggal copy data di excel terus paste di notepad. Tetapi akan sulit bahkan memakan waktu lama jika datanya banyak sampai ribuan. Apalagi setelah masuk notepad harus diolah lagi. Data yang masuk ke notepad akan berbentuk seperti kolom. Jika datanya ada seribu maka di notepad akan tampil 1000 baris.
excel ke notepad
pindah data dari excel ke notepad
Jika ingin tampil seperti gambar ini di notepad maka harus ada beberapa langkah yang ditempuh. Cukup praktis. Pekerjaan jadi tidak memerlukan waktu lama. hanya dalam hitungan menit ribuan data selesai diolah di notepad. Tip n triknya silakan donlod disini Cara Memindahkan Data dari Excel ke Notepad

2 komentar:

  1. You should see how my partner Wesley Virgin's biography starts in this shocking and controversial video.

    As a matter of fact, Wesley was in the military-and soon after leaving-he revealed hidden, "self mind control" secrets that the government and others used to get everything they want.

    THESE are the exact same secrets tons of famous people (notably those who "became famous out of nowhere") and top business people used to become wealthy and famous.

    You probably know how you utilize only 10% of your brain.

    Mostly, that's because most of your brain's power is UNCONSCIOUS.

    Maybe that expression has even taken place INSIDE OF YOUR very own mind... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's mind about seven years back, while driving an unlicensed, garbage bucket of a vehicle with a suspended driver's license and $3.20 in his bank account.

    "I'm so fed up with going through life paycheck to paycheck! Why can't I turn myself successful?"

    You took part in those conversations, isn't it right?

    Your success story is waiting to be written. You just have to take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.


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